Configuring Pane Layout

You can configure the states and locations of your panes to create a pane layout that suites your needs and style.

The buttons in the top right corner of a pane let you configure the pane's layout.

Note: You can also change some panes' states to Floating, Tabbed, or Docked by dragging them to a new location in the Designer.

Button Description

Allows you choose one of five states for a pane from a drop-down Closedmenu. You can also access this menu by right-clicking on a pane's title bar.

  • Floating: Floating panes can be moved to any location in the Workflow Designer and resized.
  • Dockable: Dockable panes can be attached to any of the Workflow Designer edges and resized along one of their edges.
  • Tabbed pane: Tabbed panes appear in the center of the Workflow Designer. When multiple tabbed panes are open at the same time, click a pane's name to show the pane. ClosedShow me an example of tabbed panes.
  • Auto-Hide: An automatically hidden pane is hidden inside the edge to which it is currently docked. The name of an auto-hidden pane remains visible along an edge. Hover over the name of the pane with your mouse to make it reappear. The pane will disappear when not in use.
  • Hide: Closes the pane.
Toggles auto-hiding on and off.
Closes the pane.

Note: Some panes can only be in certain states. For example, in the Workflow Designer, the Common Searches Pane, Minimap Pane, Properties Pane, Search Pane, and Toolbox Pane cannot be tabbed. Also, some panes must be Docked before they can be Auto-Hidden, Tabbed, or Floating.